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Purchase Deferral Program

What is it?

Taking possession of a property subject to the existing debt at a predetermined price, retaining the right to lease to a new buyer, giving them the right to purchase from us.

What if the new buyer tears up the house?

There’s no way we can guarantee you a buyer won’t damage the house since we won’t be living with them. But under our agreement, if that happened, we would repair at our expense. Our objective is to find a buyer who will eventually qualify for a loan, not a “tenant.” Damages are rarely a problem. Again, if it happens, we’ll fix it as per our written agreement.

When will you sell the house?

I can’t give you an exact time. It will be up to the new buyer and our mortgage team to get them financed. I can tell you we get paid when they buy, so obviously we’ll be pushing them to do so… quickly! In the meantime, your payments will be made, which relieves you of the financial burden.

How do I know I can trust you?

I can understand your concern. We’ll meet face-to-face after you contact us. You’ll find I don’t make empty promises… I shoot straight and I know this business. I believe we can create a solution that will work for both of us. If not, or if you’re not comfortable after we meet, we’ll shake hands and go our separate ways. Honestly, I view our business relationship as more personally than just handling a house… we want you to be confident, and able to sleep well every night without worrying about your house or your payments. In fact, I wouldn’t enter into an agreement with anyone if I wasn’t confident in that person… and I don’t expect any less from you. We’re willing to devote our time and resources to your house, but only if you feel comfortable with that arrangement.

How do I know you’ll make my mortgage payments?

We can pay you direct and let you forward it to the mortgage company yourself. Or, we can set up a third party escrow company to collect from us and pay it for you. You can choose for us to pay your lender directly. If we didn’t pay, the lender would immediately notify you. So your always on top, whichever method you choose.

Why don’t I just list with a Realtor?

That is certainly an option, but obviously a Realtor won’t make your payment for you while they’re attempting to sell your house. We’re willing to make your payment, buy your house, and maintain it all the while. We’ll give it our personal attention, and you can forget about it while we do our job.

Here’s Another Alternative…

Perhaps the idea of someone else being in your house doesn’t sit well with you. You’re thinking, “…I’ll be too far away, the house will get torn up, payments might not get paid… I’d really just prefer my house be sold – closed – before someone else moves in.” I can understand that. If the purchase deferral program doesn’t sound like what you want, then our Option Program may be better suited for you. With this program, there are no tenant/buyers in the house and there’s absolutely no risk to you at all. If that sounds more to your taste and your house qualifies, we’ll explain all the details when you contact us. And just think… that’s only one plan. Just one available solution. We may just buy and immediately pay you all cash, as we’ve done several times recently.

Now, I know this is a lot of information to digest at one time, but if you’re still with me at this point, chances are you’re interested in doing whatever it takes to get your house sold quickly! If you have some questions, contact us right away at 480-688-2447.

If you want an alternative to stale, conventional ways of selling your home, contact us now! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! If by chance we can’t do business, that’s ok. We can still be friends. But I honestly believe you’ll be pleasantly surprised when we talk… we specialize in solutions! By contacting us, you give us the chance to be your solution. I urge you to let us try.

Sincerely, Sean Taylor

P.S. Please don’t be under the impression that a purchase deferral is the only way we can help. We buy many houses and pay cash within a few days of meeting the seller. We buy in all price ranges and in any condition. Before you decide we can’t help with your house, contact us by phone or e-mail. Even if we don’t buy, we’d be glad to offer any assistance we can. What have you got to lose?! Contact us now!

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